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Municipal Grants Search

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26 Result(s)

  1. 911 Grant Program
    Provider: Public Safety and Emergency Services
    Description: This allocation-based program utilizes funding generated from a monthly 911 levy on cellphones to support Alberta’s 911 centres, known as Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), and is a separate source of funding from general government revenue. In Alberta, PSAPs are primarily run by municipalities, though some are run by regional collectives and one private company. 911 grant funding can only be accessed by PSAPs and spent on costs related to 911 call answering, including staffing, operations, training, hardware and software, resiliency, facility enhancements, public education, and upgrades for Next Generation 911.
  2. Agricultural Service Board (ASB) Grant Program
    Provider: Agriculture and Irrigation
    Description: This program, in part allocation-based and in part competitive, supports municipal Agricultural Service Boards (ASBs) in the administration of legislative requirements under the ASB Act, and the development of programming supporting environmental best management practices. Eligible projects include hiring of qualified staff, administration and implementation of the ASB Act, and promotion and implementation of projects related to watershed protection, soil conservation, off stream watering, pesticide management, and sustainable farming practices.
  3. Alberta Community Partnership (ACP)
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This competitive program improves the viability and long-term sustainability of municipalities by providing support for regional collaboration and capacity-building initiatives. It is designed to support municipalities in attaining the following key program outcomes: new or enhanced regional municipal services; improved municipal capacity to respond to municipal and regional priorities; and effective intermunicipal relations through joint and collaborative activities. 
  4. Alberta Community Resiliency Program (ACRP)
    Provider: Environment and Protected Areas
    Description: This competitive program supports the development of long-term resilience to flood and drought events, while supporting integrated planning and healthy, functioning watersheds. Eligible projects include works that enhance or enable protection of critical infrastructure from flooding and drought, and mitigate public safety hazards. This program is not accepting new applications.
  5. Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership (AMWWP)
    Provider: Transportation and Economic Corridors
    Description: This competitive program assists with the construction of priority water supply and treatment and wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. Program funding can be accessed by municipalities with populations up to a maximum of 45,000, regional services commissions, and eligible hamlets within rural municipalities. Eligible projects include raw-water intakes and wells, raw-water storage facilities, water treatment facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, and directly related planning and/or design studies.
  6. Alberta’s Rat Control Program
    Provider: Agriculture and Irrigation
    Description: This needs-based program assists municipalities in maintaining Alberta's "rat free" status. It funds municipalities in Alberta's Rat Control Zone, which runs approximately 300 km along the Saskatchewan border.
  7. Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF)
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This allocation-based program provides predictable, long-term, stable funding for Canadian municipalities to help them build and revitalize their local public infrastructure while creating jobs and long-term prosperity. Eligible projects include construction, renewal, or material enhancement of municipal infrastructure related, for example, to local roads, public transit, water and wastewater systems, and recreation.
  8. Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF)
    Provider: Transportation and Economic Corridors
    Description: This competitive program supports the rehabilitation of both water treatment and distribution infrastructure and existing wastewater and storm water treatment systems; collection and conveyance infrastructure; and initiatives that improve asset management, system optimization, and planning for future upgrades to water and wastewater systems. This program is not accepting new applications.
  9. Disaster Recovery Program (DRP)
    Provider: Public Safety and Emergency Services
    Description: This is a needs-based financial assistance program for uninsurable property damage, loss and other expenses incurred as the result of widespread disaster. Municipalities affected by a widespread disaster may apply for a Disaster Recovery Program. If approved, conditional to the magnitude and type of disaster, affected residents may then apply for financial assistance. Applicants must pursue their own insurance options first, as the program only provides financial assistance to help repair and restore damaged property to the basic, pre-disaster functional condition. With an approved program, local authorities, Metis Settlements, principal homeowners, landlords, tenants, small business owners, agricultural operators, condominium corporations, public institutions, and not-for-profit organizations who meet the qualification criteria may have their damages and losses assessed for assistance.
  10. Electric Vehicles for Municipalities Program
    Provider: Municipal Climate Change Action Centre
    Description: The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre provides funding, technical assistance, and education to support Alberta municipalities, schools and non-profits in implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to reduce costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The Electric Vehicles for Municipalities (EVM) program provides funding to municipalities to purchase a variety of electric vehicles, charging stations, and feasibility studies.  
  11. Emergency Management Preparedness Program (EMPP)
    Provider: Public Safety and Emergency Services
    Description: This competitive program is designed to increase emergency management capacity and the number of trained emergency management practitioners. Key outcomes of the program include local authorities and volunteers having the required competencies and skills for emergency response; and a greater capacity for Alberta communities to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster emergencies. Eligible projects include emergency management workshops, and regional municipal exercises and innovative programs that increase emergency management capabilities. This program is not currently accepting new applications.
  12. Family and Community Support Services Program (FCSS)
    Provider: Seniors, Community and Social Services
    Description: This allocation-based program is an 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and participating municipalities or Metis Settlements.  The program promotes and enhances the well-being of Albertans, families and communities. FCSS programs are intended to help individuals adopt healthy lifestyles, improve their quality of life and build capacity to prevent and deal with crisis situations should they arise.
  13. Federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) Phase 1
    Provider: Transportation and Economic Corridors
    Description: This competitive program supports rehabilitation of public transit systems, planning of future system improvements and expansions, enhanced asset management, and system optimization and modernization. This program is not accepting new applications.
  14. Fire Services Training Program (FSTP)
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This competitive program provides funding to support communities to help ensure local fire services are adequately trained to respond to emergencies safely and effectively. Eligible costs include fire services course fees, cost of facility rental for the purposes of offering training, training materials, instructor expenses, and reasonable costs for student travel and meals.
  15. Grants in Place of Taxes (GIPOT)
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: Properties belonging to the Government of Alberta are exempt from municipal taxation. To account for this, municipalities are paid a grant in place of taxes on eligible properties within their boundaries.
  16. Green Transit Incentives Program (GreenTRIP)
    Provider: Transportation and Economic Corridors
    Description: This competitive program provided funding to municipalities to support new and expanded public transit infrastructure and technology. Eligible projects included construction of LRT lines, public transit terminals and park-and-ride facilities, purchase of public transit vehicles for mass transit, refurbishment or replacement of existing transit vehicles, and support for design and planning of future expansion and improvements to public transit systems. This program is not accepting new applications.
  17. Local Government Fiscal Framework – Capital
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This allocation-based program is Alberta’s primary municipal infrastructure grant program. It provides funding to local governments to support projects that develop, improve, maintain, or otherwise alter infrastructure assets in Alberta communities, to facilitate the resiliency and livability of local communities and support local and provincial economic activities. Eligible projects include acquisition, construction, development, betterment, rehabilitation or non-routine maintenance of capital assets in in a variety of project categories including municipal roads, bridges, public transit, water and wastewater systems, recreation and sports facilities, libraries, public works buildings, and cultural/community centres.
  18. Local Government Fiscal Framework – Operating
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This allocation-based program provides funding to local governments to support capacity-building activities to improve efficiency and effectiveness, municipal services, planning activities, and contributions to non-profit organizations. Eligible costs must be for the purpose of providing good government, maintaining facilities or other activities/services that are necessary or desirable for all or part of the municipality, or to support the development and maintenance of safe and viable communities.
  19. Local Growth and Sustainability Grant
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This program funds infrastructure projects, with the majority of funding provided through the competitive growth component. This component supports local governments with populations between 10,000 and 200,000 in building infrastructure that addresses growth pressures and attracts economic development opportunities. Eligible projects must be “shovel-ready”, with construction starting no later than September 30, 2025, in the following categories: roads and bridges, drinking water, storm water, solid waste management, wastewater, public transit, public safety and security, and disaster mitigation and resilience. In addition to the growth component, some funding will be used to help address infrastructure emergencies that threaten residents’ health and safety in small communities under 10,000 people.
  20. Municipal Sustainability Initiative – Capital
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This allocation-based program is being replaced with the capital component of the Local Government Fiscal Framework, although the delivery of the MSI capital program will continue until all MSI capital funding has been spent and all program reporting requirements have been met.
  21. Municipal Sustainability Initiative – Operating
    Provider: Municipal Affairs
    Description: This allocation-based program is being replaced with the operating component of the Local Government Fiscal Framework, although the delivery of the MSI operating program will continue until all MSI operating funding has been spent and all program reporting requirements have been met.
  22. Municipal Wildfire Assistance Program (MWAP)
    Provider: Public Safety and Emergency Services
    Description: This needs-based program is designed to provide financial assistance to local authority and Metis Settlement applicants who incur extraordinary incremental costs in the suppression of wildfires outside of Alberta’s Forest Protection Area. The intended outcome for this program is to reduce the risk and loss associated with wildfires.
  23. Policing Support Grant (PSG)
    Provider: Public Safety and Emergency Services
    Description: This allocation-based program amalgamates two grant programs previously in place, the Municipal Policing Assistance Grant and Police Officer Grant. It assists with the cost of providing policing services to municipalities who are responsible for their own municipal policing.
  24. Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP)
    Provider: Transportation and Economic Corridors
    Description: This competitive program provides financial assistance to municipalities for developing and maintaining key local transportation infrastructure that promotes economic growth and improves mobility, while also supporting job creation.
  25. Water for Life (W4L)
    Provider: Transportation and Economic Corridors
    Description: This competitive program supports the development of new regional water and wastewater systems which are more cost-effective and/or environmentally desirable than independent systems. Funding is only available for new regional water or wastewater systems or new extensions to existing regional water or wastewater systems.
  26. Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program (WRRP)
    Provider: Environment and Protected Areas
    Description: This competitive program increases the natural ability of the province's watersheds to reduce the intensity, magnitude, duration, and effects of flooding and drought through watershed mitigation measures. Eligible projects include riparian and wetland enhancements, floodplain/river improvements, conservation initiatives, education and outreach associated with specific projects; and data collection efforts for the purpose of research, evaluation and assessment related to a specific projects.
  • Date modified: 2018-05-30